Corporate and M&A


Transferring a Liquor License in New Jersey – “33” License

Liquor licenses are state-issued licenses that enable your business to legally sell alcohol. The laws around liquor licenses vary by state and New Jersey has some of the most restrictive liquor license laws in the nation (along with being some of the most expensive). In New Jersey, the Division of…


New Jersey Assembly Makes Headway on Bill to Eliminate Craft Brewery Tour Requirement

Good news is a brew for New Jersey craft beer advocates. In February 2018, the New Jersey Assembly’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee paved the way for the introduction of Bill A2196, which would remove a current licensing rule requiring breweries and distilleries to provide a tour of their facilities…


Check the Details of M&A Before Putting up a “For Sale” Sign

Lindabury partner, Robert Anderson, shares his insight in NJBIZ’s recent article:  “The inside scoop on M&As: Plenty of big companies have learned the hard way how difficult mergers can be” Sometimes, a planned M&A can get torpedoed because of decisions that were made long ago, notes Robert W. Anderson.  So a…


Corporate Deadlock – When Shareholders Seek the Courts’ Assistance in Forcing Buy-outs

Corporate deadlock is often cited as a reason why the court should invoke its powers and order the sale of one shareholder’s stock in minority shareholder litigation. While deadlock is a legitimate reason to bring a lawsuit seeking the court’s intervention, it is not a magic bullet that will automatically…


Fiduciary Duties Owed by Business Owners to Their Company: A Primer on Common Causes of Shareholder Oppression Claims

Because of the fiduciary duties owed by business owners to each other, whether they are shareholders in a closely held corporation, members in a limited company, or partners in a general or limited partnership, a business owner generally is prohibited from competing with the company. This general prohibition can be…


What Happens to a Business Partner’s Interests in a Company After Death?

Have you ever heard a story among your friends about a company where two partners got along great, but then one suffered an untimely death and then his widow or children caused the company to breakup? That is a common scenario, although one might not be able to place the…


Cybersecurity Insurance Considerations For Small And Medium-Sized Businesses

Cybersecurity experts have observed that hackers and cybercriminals are increasingly targeting small and medium-sized businesses and that these efforts account for 60% of all cyberattacks. One expert described these companies as the “soft underbelly” of cybersecurity. Companies of all sizes face potentially significant costs in responding to a data breach…


Minority Shareholder Oppression: The Court’s View of “Unfair” Action

Statutory remedies are made available to shareholders in a small, closely held corporation should harmful actions be undertaken by other shareholder or directors of the corporation. Importantly, these statutory remedies are available only to owners of a corporation with 25 or fewer shareholders. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 14A:12-7(1)(c), a shareholder in…


Customer Data, FTC Red Flags Rules and Your Business

Identity theft is an area of major concern for consumers and businesses alike. Roughly nine million individuals in the U.S. can expect to have their identity stolen each year. With just a few items of personal information (such as the name, social security number, and the date of birth of…