Lindabury Divorce & Family Law attorney and Managing Director of the International Transaction Group, Karolina Dehnhard, was interviewed by 60 Million Kongress, an organization uniting Polish business leaders worldwide as part of their series of influential Global Polish leaders discussing both international divorce and business development in Eastern Europe during…
Divorce & Family Law
Common Questions About Divorce and Child Visitation During ‘Shelter in Place’
As we get deeper into the “shelter in place” requirement imposed by Governor Murphy, stress is more present in our lives every day. Being house-bound is frustrating on so many levels. Couples who are in difficult marriages, or who are going through a divorce (regardless of whether they are separated…
COVID-19 and Virtual Divorce Mediation
The COVID-19 virus has placed the population in a situation the likes of which we have never seen in our lifetime. It has had an impact on almost every facet of our lives. It has raised, and will continue to raise, the stress levels each of us experience in everyday…
Coparenting Arrangements In The Time of Coronavirus
It goes without saying that the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19) is presenting an unsettling and challenging time for individuals across the globe. People are grappling with economic consequences due to employment interruptions and working hard to create a schedule that ensures continuity in their children’s lives. For individuals who are…
Lindabury Adds Dehnhard as Partner
Karolina Dehnhard joined Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper PC in Westfield as partner in the firm’s divorce and family law practice, and as managing director of the international law group. In her matrimonial practice, Dehnhard focuses on divorce, prenuptial agreements, child custody, parenting time, alimony, child support, adoption, and domestic…
Lindabury Welcomes New Partner David Tawil
Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper is pleased to announce that David R. Tawil has joined the firm as a partner in its Divorce & Family Law practice. He will concentrate on divorce, prenuptial agreements, child custody and support, alimony, and domestic violence issues. Tawil brings extensive experience with New Jersey’s…
How “Final” is a Final Restraining Order?
Since its’ passage in 1991, the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act or “PDVA” has afforded protection to New Jersey residents who have been the victim of domestic violence. The PDVA has been amended and interpreted on countless occasions over the years and is one of the most strict and protective…
Living Arrangements While Going Through Divorce
Two questions often asked by clients at their initial interview are “Do I need to be separated from my spouse for any length of time before I can file for divorce? and Can I obtain a legal separation from my spouse?” The short answer to both questions is no. In…
How Will My Divorce Matter Be Affected If My Spouse Is Not Employed?
In all divorce matters where alimony or child support is an issue, the income or earning capacity of the parties needs to be determined. If you and your spouse are employed on a full-time basis your annual income can be easily determined. However, if you or your spouse are unemployed…
Children’s Bill of Rights During NJ Divorce
In many divorce cases, the most contentious issues are those regarding the parties’ children. The issues of physical custody, time sharing or visitation, extra-curricular activities, religious education and the cost for college education are routinely in dispute. Often, well-intentioned parents insist that their proposed resolution on these issues is best.…