
Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, P.C. Firm News & Events


Town Hall Discussion – Families First Coronavirus Response Act

On April 1, 2020 James Estabrook and Kathleen Connelly of the firm’s Labor & Employment group hosted a webinar discussion for members of the Northern New Jersey and Southern New Jersey chapters of the National Electrical Contractors Association. The webinar addressed questions regarding employee leave rights and benefits under the…


Employee Benefits Provisions of the CARES Act

On March 27, 2020, the Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (the “CARES” Act) was passed, making it the third federal law to address the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health pandemic.  The Act, designed to provide additional relief to those affected by the pandemic, contains multiple provisions that specifically implicate…


Legal Considerations for Telehealth in the Age of the Coronavirus Pandemic

As the response to the coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve, it is imperative that healthcare providers stay informed about the latest legal developments that may affect their practices. In the middle of a pandemic and with instructions from all levels of government to practice social distancing, visiting your healthcare provider…


Managing Contracts in the Time of the Coronavirus Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has come in like a wrecking ball on a path of destruction, creating an unprecedented public health crisis and bringing the economy to a near crawl. Several legal fallouts have only begun to take place and will likely continue for some time. One of the legal challenges…


DOL Issues Guidance on Emergency Sick Leave and Emergency FMLA Leave Under The FFCRA

Last week in our publication entitled Employer’s Guide to Federal and State Employee Leave Rights and Income Protection for Coronavirus Related Absences, we addressed the new Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Act (“Emergency FMLA Leave”) that employers must provide to employees as…


6 Tips for Every Business Dealing with Remote Access and Teleworking Employees

By the time you are reading this guidance, your business has likely been operating under a shelter in place order or perhaps even a governmental quarantine in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, and your staff has been operating remotely for an extended period.  While it may be too soon to…


Small Business Forgivable Loan Program Under The $2 Trillion Federal Stimulus Act—What Businesses Need To Know

On March 27, 2020, the $2 Trillion federal stimulus act known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) was enacted, providing among other things for $349 Billion in funding for forgivable loans to small businesses to assist in funding payroll and certain other expenses during…


New Jersey Supreme Court Denies Damages for Removal of Neighbor’s Trees

In April, 2016, I wrote about the New Jersey Appellate Division’s Opinion in Scannavino v. Walsh, 445 NJ Super 162 (App  Div. 2016), which set forth the law on the liability of property owners whose trees/vegetation encroaches on the neighbor’s property.  In that case, Plaintiff alleged that defendants improperly allowed…


Common Questions About Divorce and Child Visitation During ‘Shelter in Place’

As we get deeper into the “shelter in place” requirement imposed by Governor Murphy, stress is more present in our lives every day. Being house-bound is frustrating on so many levels. Couples who are in difficult marriages, or who are going through a divorce (regardless of whether they are separated…