In response to the pandemic, Congress passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “FFCRA”) that provided up to 10 days of emergency paid sick leave for COVID-related absences and up to 12 weeks emergency paid family leave to care for a child in the event of a COVID-related school or daycare closure. These benefits went into effect in April 2020 and will terminate on December 31, 2020.
Many speculated that Congress would extend the FFCRA benefits to provide continued relief to individuals and families still grappling with work-related absences caused by the ongoing pandemic. Cases have spiked in many areas and schools continue to provide remote learning. Although the Consolidated Appropriations Act (the “Act”) signed by President Trump earlier this week provides various pandemic relief programs, the Act did not extend the expiration date of the FFCRA.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act’s extension of FFCRA Tax Credits for Employers.